Insider revealed the name of the villain in the series about falcony eyes


Insider Jeremy Conrad confirmed the information published a few days ago on the ILLUMINERDI website that Marvel Studios is looking for a villain on the role of a "falconian" actor with an Eastern European appearance aged 20 to 30 years. According to Conrad, such an actor has already been found. The insider does not name the name, but indicates that by age he is closer to the upper border of the specified range and is most famous for the role of clown. Perhaps we are talking about Bill Scarcard, the artist's role of Clown Penniveza, who will be 30 years old in August.

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Based on this, it is assumed that the main villain will be clown, he also Kazimir Kazimirov, whose name for the English-speaking reader of comics already looks sinister - Kazimierz Kazimierczak. In Marvel comics, this villain made a falconian eye to the deaf, the progress of the drumpipes by him. As a result, for most of the 80s and 90s, the falcony eyes were deaf. It is also a rumor that the heroine of Echo may appear in the series, its history is related to events that wrapped the loss of hearing.

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The series "Falconary Eye" will tell about how the resigned superhero teaches his skills to the girl Kate Bishop, so that it becomes a new falcony eye.

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