New types of insects in Australia were named after the heroes Marvel and Deadpool


The State Association of Scientific and Applied Studies of Australia has published a report according to which, over the past year, 164 new types of insects were opened. Five of them got the names associated with the Marvel Universe.

Fly, whose pattern on his back reminds Wade Wydson's mask, got the name Humorolethalis sergius (dead and deadly). Also in honor of superheroes were named: Daptoletes Bronteflavus (light thunder) in honor of Torah, Daptoletes IllusioLautus (elegant trick) in honor of Loki, Daptoletes Feminategus (Woman in the skin) in honor of the Black Widow. Fly, on the back of which, if desired, you can see the white mustache and black glasses, was called in honor of the author Stan Lee - Daptoletes Leei.

New types of insects in Australia were named after the heroes Marvel and Deadpool 45863_1

Australian entomologist Dr. Brian Lessenard, named in social networks Superhero Flying Brah (Bry The Fly) called the opening of new species an important task:

We are interested in identifying new insect species that can be useful pollinators, nutrient processors or food sources for the agricultural sector.

According to Dr. Leszard, only a quarter of Australian insects is currently known to science. The more species will be known, the more humanity will know about their superpowers.

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