Anthony Maki from Sokol and Winter Soldier explained why accused Marvel in racism


In an interview with Fatherly, the actor Anthony Macs explained its previous statements with charges of Marvel Studios. Previously, he called the Studio of Racist and paying insufficient attention a variety of races and floors. Now he clarified the claims:

I do not think the problem is in racism. I think we are talking about ignorance. Marvel, like other companies, does what it seems necessary to do for equality. But this is not enough. Wash money on inclusiveness programs, not words.

Anthony Maki from Sokol and Winter Soldier explained why accused Marvel in racism 45870_1

And do not think that if you made a black guy one of the main superheroes, then he will be silent. The conversation about equality is sewn into my DNA. For me, this is too great - to be part of the Marvel Universe, so I want to make this universe as best as possible.

All important people in the industry spend parties. And at these parties 98% - white people. And if you come to their offices - then there are also 98% white. Such is their reality. It is good that I can come to such meetings and say: "Next time I do not want to be here the only black."

Currently, the actors are free from the Pandemic of Coronavirus, the actor is engaged in camping black men so that they come in autumn to the elections and threw Donald Trump from the White House.

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