Captain against Captain and Black Panther in new video from the filming of "Avengers"


The director of the tricks Sam Hargreyve has repeatedly shared in his Instagram rollers from the MARVEL films, and on the eve again the fans of steep video again.

Recall that in April of this year, Sam in an interview with Digital Spy told that in the "Avengers: the final" he and his brother Daniel had the dubble of Chris Evans, and therefore in the scene, when Captain America returns to the past and fights with himself, brothers The opportunity to fight on the big screen has fallen.

That's why I did it, it will live forever. We can tell our children and grandchildren that this is me and my brother fought in this film,

- Shared then by emotions Sam.

Публикация от Sam Hargrave (@thesamhargrave)

And now, at the disposal of Kap's fans turned out to be a video, in which two fluffle of Steve Rogers fall from a staircut span on the safety cables. Following Hargreyv shared the video of the same scene, but from another angle, noting that "the first time it turned out fun." But also on this trick-coordinator did not stop, but decided to look away in the past and showed what happened during the filming of the Avengers: The War of Infinity, "when Black Panther (Jeedwick Bowzman) stood up for the Wanted Protection.

In the future, Sam probably will more than once will cooperate with Marvel, but as long as it boasts another achievement. The fighter "Tyler Reik: Operation on Salvation" with Chris Hemsworth headed the ranking of the most viewed films on Netflix.

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