Theory: Keith Harington will play two characters Marvel in "Eternal"


Before the moment when the filmsened Marvel thanks to the film "Eternal" will be replenished with a whole team of powerful heroes, only six months left. It is not surprising that fans build more and more theories, trying to predict what surprises will present a new story. For example, recently began to happen that Keith Harington could play in the upcoming blockbuster at once two roles.

Theory: Keith Harington will play two characters Marvel in

In general, the star "Games of Thrones" was entrusted to embody the image of a black knight / Dane Whitman, who was one of the avengers in comics. While this is the only one of these characters "Eternal", belonging to the human race. In comics, Dane connects with the "eternal" only one thing - his romantic relationship with Sersi (Jemma Chan), so the way he fits into history is at the moment it is unclear.

Theory: Keith Harington will play two characters Marvel in

The plot is expected to cover more than a thousand years, therefore there is an assumption that Dane Whitman will appear only in the part of the film that is allocated to modernity, however, Harington may appear in episodes that belong to long-standing times, playing a second character. Black knights were called different heroes, but for the first time this name went to Sir Persie from Scandia, another famous carrier of the honorary title was Eobar Harrington, which, by the way, externally looks like a modern black knight.

Theory: Keith Harington will play two characters Marvel in

It is likely that Harington can play Sir Persie, Eaobara or even some other character, and then his appearance will increase significantly, which would be logical, because the actor is considered the center of all exciting history. Adding to the story of the ancestor of the Black Knight also helped to learn more about the myths surrounding this character.

Theory: Keith Harington will play two characters Marvel in

Of course, while everything remains at the level of guessing, and to find out if Whale will appear in the "eternal" immediately in two bindings, will turn out after the film premiere, which is scheduled for February 10, 2021.

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