Waiting for the return of John's Pope? Jeffrey Dean Morgan does not mind returning to "Supernatural"


"Of course, I would play John again. If a suitable story was created for him, "Morgan replied. At the moment, the 14th season of the "Supernatural" can be released on the CW channel, which returned the actors from the first seasons of the show: Jim Beaver (Bobby), Samantha Smith (Mary), Felicia Day (Charlie), as well as newcomers Alexander Calvert (Jack) And Daniel Eclas (Joe). Jeffrey Dean Morgan played only in two seasons and after that he did not return to the role of John Winchester.

Waiting for the return of John's Pope? Jeffrey Dean Morgan does not mind returning to

The last two seasons when moving between different universes appeared in the show, fans consider to be the best time to return one of the key heroes of history. In addition, for the audience, it would be a wonderful gift for the anniversary of the series, which a few days ago, celebrated the output of the 300th episode. Currently, Morgan is occupied on the set of another project, the Walkaway Joe film, but maybe he will be able to take part in the 15 season of the "supernatural", on which the series, no doubt, will extend.

Anniversary, the 300th episode of the audience will be able to see in 2019.

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