Rousseau brothers told how "Star Wars" influenced "Avengers: the war of infinity"


The two largest and most successful films from the film Marvel - Avengers: War of Infinity "and" Avengers: Final ", whose directories were Anthony and Joe Rousseau. On its scale and the influence of Saga, the Avengers earned a comparison with such a glorified franchise as "Star Wars", and the Rousse brothers claim that it is not by chance, because they drew inspiration from the project George Lucas in many ways.

Rousseau brothers told how

In an interview with COMINGSOON.NET site, Joe Russo said:

If we were filmed by the trildes of the Star Wars, we would most likely focused on the stories of Skywalker Lucaocker. As for me, this plot arch had enough potential for three films. But you can do different elections. I think you know that we grew up on the "star wars", but in the "war of infinity" and "final" we removed our own version of the episode "The Empire inflicts a retaliatory blow." We managed to fully express something for us in childhood there was a commercial movie. We learned the samples of the narrative structure that we learned on the deep level. We managed to simulate the same moves in our own films. Now they are closer to us, not new parts of the "Star Wars".

At the moment, the Marvel, the newest full-length films in the framework of the "Star Wars" largely eclipsed. The trilogy of the sequels, led by Rei and Kaylo Ren, launched effectively from the episode "Awakening of power", then followed the controversial and extraordinary part of the "last Jedi", while the film "Skywalker. The sunrise "was supposed to become apotheosis of the whole" saga about SkyOckers ", but in the end he did not meet the expectations of most fans. At the same time, the Marvel Studios Grand Draft project, launched in 2008, gradually gained stability, and by the end of 2010 and at all went to the shipping level of popularity.

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