Disney can return John Burnthala to the role of an punisher, but reboots the series


The authoritative insider of Satton T-shirts specializing in Marvel projects, the other day reported that Kevin Faigi and the company are going to restart the television series "Puncher". In his group in Facebook Sutton shared:

As the punisher is a very cruel character, his appearance on Disney + will clearly not work. Disney bosses are understood, so the continuation of the existing series on this cutting platform is excluded. There is talking about the punior to continue to kill criminals either on FX, or on Hulu, wherever the show had to be reckoned with censorship. Regardless of which the site will eventually fall, more and more about the future of this project appears.

Disney can return John Burnthala to the role of an punisher, but reboots the series 45957_1

Sutton added that in the new "punitive" Marvel Studios expects to leave the main role for John Berntal, but most likely the upcoming series will not be a continuation of the eponymous show that was published on NetFlix C 2017 to 2019. Sutton argues:

First of all, Marvel Studios wants to return Burnthala. True, this does not mean that the new series will be plotically connected with its predecessor with Netflix, especially if this can be explained by the laws of the Multivalented. Or it may be a whole separate project. Perhaps the future of the show will receive the name "Kaitrar's Battery Diary" in honor of the comic of the 80s.

There are no other details about the new "puncher" yet.

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