The director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" confirmed the theory of 7-year-old fans about the babies


The director and director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" James Gunn again pleased the fans, responding to a cute theory about the baby. In the "Guards of the Galaxy 2" there is a frame in which the garden eats candy from the pot, which looks very familiar. In this regard, one of the subscribers of Gunn in Twitter on his face asked his little daughter, whether it is a pot, from which the genus is increasing in the end of the first film. Gunn did not deny this assumption.

My seven-year-old daughter came to the conclusion that the pot, from which the kid didn't eat sweets in this scene, is the same pot from which he grown. Is she right?

- wrote a user by Elizabeth Pervis. Gann answered this:

I like this theory, so I will say yes. And you can transfer your baby that she herself came up with it.

Recall that in the coming years it is planned to issue a third part of the "Guardians of the Galaxy". Currently, Gann is working on the post-production "Suicide 2" for DC and Warner Bros., but after that he will return to the film marvel. It is reported that the scenario for the "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" is already ready. The release date of the film is still unknown. Apparently, the premiere will take place not earlier than 2022.

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