Fans did not suspect when Brie Larson received the role of Captain Marvel


News On approval of this or that artist on some reasonable role is usually hidden by studios as long as possible. The fact that Bri Larson will fulfill the Marvel Captain Marvel in the film-depleted Marvel, it became known at the Comic-Con festival in San Diego in 2016. But recently, the actress admitted that she agreed on everything with Marvel Studios long before this information was published. In a conversation with First We FEAST, Oscar's owner said:

People do not know about it, but it happened that day when the measurements were filmed with me for the future costume of Captain Marvel. So it took place for another a few years before someone learned about it. It was cool because I could enjoy this exciting event without revealing any details. It was like an experience of a pleasant moment without the most pleasant moment.

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Recall that Carol Danvers first appeared in the film marvel only in early 2019, when the film "Captain Marvel" came to the screens. Although the actress claims that she received the role "a few years before someone learned about this," most likely it means that for the first time appeared in his superhero-costume after years after the contract was concluded.

At the moment, Marvel Studios is already developing the second part of Captain Marvel, the premiere of which is scheduled for July 7, 2022.

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