"Says through the cipher": Britney Spears fans are trying to guess her secret messaging


Britney Spears rooted the interest of conspiracy among their fans, posing a photo from the game of Scrab. The singer made a frame of the gaming field, on which words are already composed of individual letters, and wrote in microblog: "Can you find a word that is not really the word? Sometimes you want to invent the words so much. " Now the fans of Spears are trying to find an encrypted message on her photos.

"Anyone, decipher it!", "She speaks with us through the cipher", "Brit, you puzzled the fans at least a week," "This is a work for the FBI," the "mysterious" post of Spears subscribers comment.

We will remind, among the fans of Britney, the theory is popular about the fact that the singer has limited access to social networks and the outside world, so it allegedly tries to leave the users an encrypted message in which it probably asks for help. Recently, someone from fans decided to directly ask about this company of digital marketing CROWDSURF, which is engaged in the affairs of the singer. "Why did Instagram Britney changed so much? Why is her photo similar to the screenshots, why doesn't she lay out high-quality pictures? Why doesn't she leave comments on other people's pages and not lying out other people's records? Why does she not publish anything in Stories? Does she behave at all? " - Wrote a fan of Spears on the Crowdsurf page.

In response, the head of Cassie Petri wrote: "Britney himself creates publications and writes posts in his Instagram. She is looking for pictures in Google and Pinterest, looking for memes, quotes, and everything else. All video it edits itself. If the video edited her team, then only because Britney herself asked about this and gave instructions. She herself decides to publish. " Separately, Cassie noted that Britney in his posts "does not leave the secret messages and does not hint at anything."

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