"She should get a chance": Rapper Pitbul called on Britney Spears


The 40-year-old Raper Pitbul spoke in defense of Britney Spears. In a fresh interview, he admitted that it is part of the FREE Britney movement and supports the idea of ​​the liberation of the singer from guardianship.

"Britney gave me a stunning opportunity to go to the tour in Europe. I am in a very good relationship with her manager Larry Rudolf. I have all my hands for freedom and independence. What is happening to Britney has been lasting for many years, and I hope it will be able to break this vicious circle, "Raper spoke.

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"I hope she will be able to manage his life again. But to manage life does not always do everything right. Not a man makes mistakes, but mistakes make a person. She should get a chance to be again. She needs to heal his real life and start creating his future. Free Britney! " - summed up pit bull.

Discussions Britney and its situation with guardianship broke out with a new force after the release of the documentary film The New York Times called Framing Britney Spears.

Against the background of the discussions of the singer, even her boyfriend Sam Asgari, who did not talk about guardianship over his beloved and about the main "villain" in this story by Jamie Spears before. "I do not feel the slightest respect for the one who is trying to control our relationship and is constantly satisfied with the obstacles on our path. I believe that Jamie is a complete freak, "Posgari wrote in Instagram.

Britney itself does not interfere in the scandal. After the release of the film, she only hinted that a real person always remains behind the scenes: "Every person has its own story and his own view on the history of other people. Remember: We can think that we know something about the life of another, but it has nothing to do with what happens to him in fact. "

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