Charlize Theron told about how to be a single mother


"When I became my mother, everything changed. I wanted it for a long time. I literally craved motherhood and was ready to give him all his strength. It is not so easy to adopt a child, even if you are a celebrity, but when I first took my child's hands, I was so happy - I didn't even imagine what was possible. Today Maternity is a daily source of happiness, something more than everything else than my career. "

Charlize Theron told that he was not trying to be an example for other single mothers, but simply "performs their work":

"I am not trying to prove anything or become someone. Just everything happened. When you adopt a child, you can not put any conditions. I completely devoted myself to the adoption process, because I was sure that I could fulfill the role of mother and give my children all the love and all the attention they needed. No one wants to become a lonely parent, but I have long understood that it is impossible to control all my life. I adapted to this situation, because I am Pragmatik. "

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