Results 2018 according to popcornnews: incident and scandal of the year

Dismissal James Ganna

Nobody was waiting, but in July he louded: in Twitter, the director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" James Gunn was excavated by the tweets of a 10-year limitation of scandalous and provocative content. Jokes, of course, we will not quote, but we give tweet couple for example:

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Disney responded promptly, a few days after the scandalous find, dismissing Ganna from the post of director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy 3", although the director himself apologized to explaining the tweets that he had a habit of habit and provoke the audience. Casting "Guardians of the Galaxy" entered into Gunn in a public letter, fans gathered money on a billboard, calling back to James the director's chair - everything is in vain.

This story still has a happy end, albeit, of course, not the best - in October, James Gunn "changed the camp" and went to raise the film DCEU, which is very inferior to competitors from Marvel. Within the framework of DCEU, James Gunn will work on the "suicide detachment 2".

Overdose Demi Lovato

July turned out to be rich in scandalous events: barely all managed to discuss James Gunn, as Demi Lovato was emergency hospitalized after the overdose of narcotic substances. Two days of the singer was in critical condition, and no one knew whether she would survive, and then Demi spent a few weeks in the hospital. After Lovato, immediately went to the rehabilitation center, the house where the tragedy occurred, put up for sale, and only recently began to begin to appear in public. On the resumption of the concert activity of speech while, of course, does not go.

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Sweaty, messy jiu jitsu hair.. ??? #BJJ #bluebelt #nevergiveup ??

Публикация от Demi Lovato (@ddlovato)

Kevin Spacy

The scandal with the accusation of Kevin Spacey in harassment took place last year, but if the actor thought he was "leaving underground," he would escape the national anger and he would gradually forget about him, he was mistaken. About Kevin Spacei, and it was remembered throughout 2018 - then in Rasyism accused (Spacy itself is already understandable, still - accusing more, accusation less), then colleagues men (including Yueel Kinnaman and Guy Pierce) They decide to remember how Kevin flirted with them on the set. As a result of the scandal in January of this year, a charitable foundation, Outdoor Kevin Spacey, stopped working in the UK and supported young actors. And only this fall discourse was changed - at first Robin Wright, the Spacy Colleague according to the "card house", publicly stated that the actor deserves the second chance, and then Judy Dench, not justifying, however, the actors' pregriction also publicly urged to stop cut Kevin from movies.

"Whatever he did, I can't approve the fact that he began to cut out of the films. We are what, we go back to the Middle Ages and now all who behaved badly, violated the law or committed some misconduct, will always cut out everywhere? "

Cristiano Ronaldo and Rape

This fall, American Catherine Majorg publicly made accusations of Cristiano Ronaldo: a girl has kept silence for many years, but, apparently, inspired by #Metoo, decided to share with the world of information that in 2009 it raped it in Las Vegas, And then paid money for silence. As usual, the money Catherine took, and it was not silent.

The football player kept silence for several days, and then all the same came out with an official statement in social networks:

"I categorically deny the charges, put forward against me," wrote a portuguese. - Rape is a disgusting crime, which contradicts everything, what I believe and who I am. Being a target to clear your name, I am not going to "feed" the media by scandals that people who wish to propagate themselves at my expense. My pure conscience will allow me to calmly wait for the results of all investigations.

Clean conscience to Cristiano, however, did not help: the famous football player was removed against the background of accusations from participating in matches for the Portugal national football team for the entire remaining autumn season. The proceedings still last and turns all new dirty details.


It was Under the auspices of #Metoo, most of the scandals and scandals of the year were united - it did not work, it seems, and the weeks that the next actress did not speak about the sad experience of Harrasim. On the wave of #Metoo once again went Woody Allen, the old (and removed) charges against which they came up again and led to the fact that a number of actors publicly shut up to work with the director.

In Harrasment, James Franco, Aziza Ansari, Ed Vefrac, Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas, 75-year-old President of the US Film Academy, distributing Oscars, and even 95-year-old Stan Lee, the earth to him in Puch. And so far, in the United States, the real waakanaly of accusations in Harrasmante, homophobia, discrimination, racism, sexism and other "outsisters", Karl Lagerfeld Malco summarizes the curious madness to be unfolded) (yes, actually continues to unfold)

"Do not want to withdraw your pants - go to the monastery."

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