The daughter of Sean Penn still communicates with Charlize Theron


"She is best," Penn said in an interview with US Weekly. - She is so funny. And very bold. In the best sense of the word. "

It is not surprising that Dylan and Charlize still continue to communicate. After all, the daughter of Sean Penn never hid his admiration to theory. "You know, she's just brilliant," said the model in October 2014. "And she is the only woman, not counting my mom [actresses Robin Wright], which can plug by my father. The only one! And this is a real test. She has so much energy. "

Dylan also hinted that her famous father tries to drown out pain parting work. "He recently returned to South Africa on the filming of the film, over which he worked a few months ago," the girl explained. - This film became his life. I saw an excerpt, and this is a real masterpiece. "

Recall that, by rumors, the above-mentioned film "Last face" just caused the breakdown of Sean Penn and Charlize Theron. The actress, allegedly, could not work under the guidance of his beloved and did not carry it out of excessive pressure and criticism.

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