"Mad Max: Road of Freak": The most interesting facts about the film


"Riode Road" - Fourth Film Film

In three previous films (1979, 1981 and 1985), Mel Gibson played the role of insane Max. During all four films, Setting was completely the same - post-apocalyptic world, desert and giant cars.

Above "Dear Rare" worked 25 years

For the first time about the shooting of 4 parts of the franchise, George Miller thought in August 1998. Initially, shooting should have started back in 2001, but after the tragic events of September 11, plans changed. In 2003, the preliminary version of the script in the network "Leaked". And only in 2012, a full-fledged work began over the "dear yarery".

One of the roles in the film played the Rosie Huntington-Whiteley model

28-year-old British Supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley played one of the roles in the film "Mad Max: Road of Freak", complained that it was much more complicated than the shooting of Transformers 3, where the model had one of the key roles. "When I starred in" Transformers ", I returned every day with filming in a luxury hotel, took a hot shower and went to the spa," she remembers. And on the set of "Mad Max", a fragile mannequin had to live right in the center of the desert.

For his role, Charlize Theron shaved

Unlike Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Charlize Theron did not complain during filming - although for the sake of the role she had to sacrifice her hair, and within a few months after that, including the shooting of the comedy "Million ways to lose his head" (2014), The actress was forced to wear a wig.

In "Mad Max: Fur Rare" "

There are no flying superheroes, exploding helicopters and other roads in the Road, 80%, all that the viewer sees on the screen, this is the result of the work of cascaders, makeup artists and specialists in scenery. Computer effects were used exclusively for the treatment of desert landscapes - and to create a bionic hand of Heroine Charlize Theron.

The film did not have a traditional scenario

Initially, the Scenario of Riot Roads was only a storyboard for 300 pages without a single dialogue. Later, the dialogues of the heroes were added, but there was no classical, who was familiar to the actors of the film from the film was not - later Charlize Theron confessed that it was for her and Tom Hardy almost the main surprise.

"Mad Max: the road of furious" starred in the Namib desert

The shooting of the film should have started in 2011 in Australia - but at that moment for the first time in 15 years (!) In the place where the shooting area was organized, rains began, and the desert terrain turned into a flowering garden. As a result, the shooting was decided to transfer Namib to the Western Coast of Africa - the oldest desert on the planet Earth.

The new "Mad Max" was accused of propaganda feminism

The film won positive feedback from critics, but despite this, was accused of propaganda feminism - because of the stunning role of Charlize Theron (and too big, in a view of some, the number of screen time of her heroine). In the US, activists called for men boycott "Riode Road."

Franchise "Mad Max" will receive another 4 new films

George Miller and Brendan McCarthy came up with so much material for the "road", which had enough for another 2 additional scenario - so in the future, a franchise will have several new parts. One film will be fully dedicated to the heroine Charlize Theron. And Tom Hardy, the new "mad Max," subscribed to shooting more than 4 films.

George Miller searched for the replacement of Mella Gibson for several years

For the new film, Miller was looking for a hero with Animal Charisma and, when Tom Hardy entered the room, the director immediately realized that this was the one who he needed. "I felt just like when Mel entered the room 30 years ago."

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