Sean Penn and Charlize Theron will marry in August 2015


According to rumors, a modest, intimate wedding ceremony will be held in Johannesburg, in the homeland actresses. Lovers are already looking for a suitable church in one of the areas of Johannesburg and String Quartet, which will play at the wedding ceremony.

If the rumors about the wedding are truly true, for Sean Penn (who will celebrate the 55th anniversary), it will be the third marriage. In the eighties, the actor was married to Madonne, and in 1996 he married a colleague on the acting workshop Robin Wright - spouses divorced 14 years later, in 2010.

39-year-old Charlize Theron has never been married, although whole nine years (from 2001 to 2010) met with actor Stewart Townsend. In March 2012, Teron adopted the Jackson boy, who brings up alone.

Back in January 2015, Sean Penn admitted that not against the idea of ​​marriage with Charlize Theron - although it prefers to call a potential marriage not the third in a row, but first: "You will tell that I was married twice - but in those circumstances I knew much less what today. Therefore, I would not consider this marriage of the third, I would consider it first - if, of course, I'm getting married again. "

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