Charlize Theron in Esquire magazine. May 2015.


About how her novel began with Sean Penn: "We were 20 years old. He was married, I was in a long relationship. Not very often, but we crossed. I think our friendship developed from mutual respect - more on my part, because 20 years ago I had no such volume of work. But my love and passion for the creation of movies - that's what we united us. In addition, Sean loved to talk about something leaving the movie. In this environment it is difficult to find friends, and our friendship flourished on this soil. I think our current relationship has become shocked for us. For us both. Usually, when you know how events should develop, life presents some surprise. And you stop understanding what is happening. Great to be in the relationship preceded friendship. Previously, I have never had this. "

About marriage: "Issues related to marriage always seem to me strange. I like to realize that there is such an opportunity, but, at the same time, I just enjoy the current state of things: my son, my son, my life, my friends. I am very, very, very happy girl. Very happy. He is so sexy. How do you speak in an interview? 40-year-old woman who argues as a 16-year-old teenager. This is something beautiful, but not enough words to fully express what it is - when someone appears in your life and gives you the opportunity to see what you have not seen before. "

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