Cynthia Nixon in The Advocate. June / July 2010


What was naked after the treatment of breast cancer:

"No one then guess about my illness. I thought if I was asked to play nude, then I would do it. Naturally, I would like to be filled with then naked, but once Michael (director of the series and both full-length films" Sex in the big city "Michael Patrick King, approx. Ed. The Advocate) insisted on my bare in the frame, for this there was a reason and I did not hide behind the sacrificed breast cancer to avoid it. " (In 2008, the actress admitted that in 2006 it was diagnosed - breast cancer - it suffered treatment and operation to remove the tumor, approx. Ed. The Advocate)

Whatever she was confessed in unconventional sexual orientation:

"We weighed all the" for "and" against "the publicity of the announcement of the engagement with Christine - and what, in the end we decided, why, in fact, just officially confirm that yes - we love each other, yes, we are lesbians, yes , We do not hide it, nor what we want to get married! So we did. It was fantastic. " (Last year, in May, the actress announced that Kristen Marini was engaged to engage with his long-standing girlfriend. Actress actively supports the draft law on the possibility of providing same-sex unions. The right to conclude marriage in the state of New York, approx. Ed. Theadvocate)

How has changed after the announcement last year about the engagement of her son Charlie:

"School teachers reacted him just great. They were the first to name Christen's second Mom Charlie, and it was very cute. And when Charlie comes from school once and calls Kristen, too, yes, it was touching! Daughter is adult, she has long understood. , what is what." (In 2004, the actress left his civil husband Dani Moses, with whom they lived 15 years old, to live to a woman, Christine Marini, taking two children with them: 11-year-old daughter Samanthan and two-year-old Son Charles.)

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