Adrian Brody commented on the scandal around Woody Allen and Roman Polanski


The 43-year-old actor also skeptically refers to the accusation of another director - Roman Polansky. Brody worked with both and does not consider it necessary to discuss rape scandals. "Life is a difficult thing. - said Adrian. - I strive to cooperate with creative people and stay away from condemnation. And I hope for the same relation in response. This is a creative persecution. Polanski, for example, lived a very difficult life. For my part, it would be unfair to condemn something so complicated as past mistakes that were put on the press. "

Adrian also added that it is worth separating work and personal life: "To some extent it is. I want to repeat that people often make mistakes in life. "

Recall that Roman Polanski fled from the United States in 1977, after admitted to a sexual connection with a 13-year-old girl. He lived in other countries for a long time and continued to shoot successful films. For the role in his picture "Pianist", Brody received Oscar.

As for Woody Allen, he denies the accusations of the adopted daughter in rape and pedophilia. His wines has not yet been proven.

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