Ex-beloved Kara Melievin complained about the attention of Paparazzi: "I can't call them"


31-year-old Ashley Benson complained to too close attention of the press, which was riveted to her lately. In an interview with Paris Hilton, the star told about excessive attention she did not like. "This is the only reason for which I hate to work in this industry - because you get unwanted attention," she says in conversation.

The star of "cute little faders" said that he knew celebrities that like when photographers follow them. "It's funny, because when people see celebrities in everyday life - near the restaurant or somewhere else, they think that the stars specifically called the paparazzi to take pictures. Some like it, "explains Benson. The former girl of Kara Melievin is confident that the constant attempts of the invasion of a personal life from the press are unpleasant to her, as it feels close attention of the public, which brings discomfort. "Unfortunately, I don't know why they follow me here every day, but I can't get out of the house so that I did not photograph me ... It gives me so much anxiety," says the actress.

According to Ashley, because of this she had to do not leave the house for some time for his calm. Sometimes, according to her, photographers behave quite dangerous when they are trying to come closely. "I can't call them," the star concluded.

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