Showranner "Supernatural" told what was the initial ending of the series


The series "Supernatural" lasted on the air 15 seasons, but when it was time to complete the history of the Winchesters brothers, the film crew faced with certain difficulties due to the coronavirus pandemic. The production was temporarily suspended, and when it was possible to resume, the creators of the show decided to make adjustments to the scenario of final episodes.

In a recent interview with ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Edition Andrew Dubb, said what exactly the changes were about. He stressed that Dean, with any defold, was to get to heaven, nevertheless the final moments of the show initially planned more ambitious and even festive, which was impossible to be implemented taking into account social distances.

"Last moments had to happen somewhere else. When we sat down with Bob Singer to talk about the 15th season and about our inevitable end, we came up with something similar to the appropriate version of Sam's Heaven and Dina: all the people they met on their way (or at least those Who we were able to convince fly to Vancouver), crowded in the reconstructed Roadhouse bar, while the Kansas group played our (official unofficial) capital song Carry on Wayward Son, "the producer told.

The real finale show really included some of these aspects - at least a cult song of the audience and truth heard more than once. But the fact that the final episode was largely focused on Sam (Jared Padalekia) and Dina (Jensen EKLS) caused an ambiguous reaction.

Some of the fans seemed that the plot of the series was quite consistent with the spirit of the show, and others argued that Dean's death was too dark and sudden, and therefore it was very weakly responded in the hearts of the audience. A more crowded reunion in heaven, obviously, could smooth this impression.

True, in one fans were unanimous: his version of Paradise Sam and Dean really deserved.

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