Media: Alicia Vicander and Michael Fassbender are waiting for a child


After the appearance of the photograph of the Swedish actress Alicia, Wikander fans were convinced that rumors about her pregnancy were true. 43-year-old actor and producer Michael Fassbender and his 32-year-old beloved do not like to spread about the details of his personal life, so no way comment on the news on the expected replenishment in their family. The picture of the artist with a clearly rounded stomach, apparently, was published by hackers, which received access to the archival photo Wikander.

On the frame it can be seen how Alicia sits on a chair in a tight knitted dress with a mug on a convex belly and does not hold her hands. Otherwise, the star figure did not undergo significant changes, it remained the same miniature. The first suspicions of the Network users about the position of the Vicander appeared in the summer, when a couple rested in Ibiza. Casual witnesses took photos at which attentive viewers saw that the actress was somewhat recovered.

Later shots made in Stockholm poured into the fire. Then Fassbender and his chosen walked around the city. The Vicander was a free sweet, who hardly covered the increased volume of its waist. Judging by the assumptions of the media, the last shot in Twitter could be made in December or January, and it is possible that the spouses have become parents, but not disclosed this fact. If you take into account that the wedding in 2017 lovers played in the strictest mystery, the news of the birth of the firstborn will also appear immediately after the accomplishment of the fact.

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