Michael Fassbender served as a prototype for a lizard in the "New Peace Man": photo


In recent years, there have been many alternative concepts of the lizard from the person-spider man's universe, but now the fans can get acquainted with another version of this Super Sloda, the prototype of which Michael Fassbender became a prototype. The artist Jerad Marandz was shared by the new art, who at one time took part in creating the film "New Spiderman" (2012). By his post, Marantz added an explanation:

Here is another funny concept art, prepared for the "New Spider Man". In the process of development, I tried to add a lizard to the maximum of human traits. Perhaps this is some kind of transformation stage - I'm not sure. Here I focused on the appearance of Michael Fassbender, because at some point he claimed this role.

Публикация от jsmarantz (@jsmarantz)

Despite the rumors that binding Fassbender with the role of a lizard, probably not known how close was the actor to embody one of the opponents of a man-spider. As a result, Dr. Kurt Conneors / Lizard played Rice Ivans, and Fassbender received the role of a young magneto in the Franchise "X-People".

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