Duane Johnson walked around Selena Gomez and Cardhassian Sisters on Earnings in Instagram


The Hopper HQ site calculated how much an advertising post in Instagram top celebrities is standing and compiled a relevant rating. Last time, Kylie Jenner went to the first place. But now she has a solid competitor - Duane Scala Johnson. According to the publication, a 48-year-old actor with 225 million subscribers in Instagram takes over one advertising post just over 1 million dollars.

The second line in the ranking was taken by Kylie Jenner: she has an advertisement costs about 986 thousand dollars. A little less advertisement is at Cristiano Ronaldo and Kim Kardashian, who occupied 3 and 4 positions.

Also in the top ten, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Nemimar Football Star - All of them, advertising publication costs at least 700 thousand dollars.

Last year, Duane Johnson became the highest paid actor 2020 according to Forbes magazine. In terms of earnings from June 2019 to May 2020, he surpassed Ryan Reynolds, Mark Wahlberg, Ben Affleck and Diesel Wines. During this period, the rock earned 87.5 million dollars.

And the list of the most highly paid actresses led Jennifer Lopez, which earned 47.5 million dollars in the same period. Mentioned Kylie Jenner also became the number one in the list of richest celebrities with an income of $ 590 million.

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