"The truth is angry": Kylie Jenner criticized for the Banker's ban in Instagram


Tiktok user under Nick Tank.sinatra said that Kylie Jenner brought him blacklisted. The guy ran into the ban after left a comment under her photo: a friend Kylie asked her secret of beauty, and Tank.sinatra replied to her that was all the case in surgery.

"In five minutes my comment scored 30 thousand likes. Five minutes later I updated the page and found that I was blocked, "the ticketer complained.

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Users supported Tank.sinatra: many believe that the star of the show "Kardashian family" unfairly blocked the guy due to the fact that he told the truth.

"She reacts like that, as if it is a mystery," "Kylie is angry at the truth," "Everyone and so everyone knows, he just wrote about it," she banned him, because he was honest, "users speak in comments.

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Kylie has repeatedly criticized for an unfulfilled appearance. Insteid fans have long noticed that her photographs made by paparazzi are very different from its pictures in social networks.

At the end of last year, Jenner took part in the YouTube show of Vizazhist James Charles, where she had to appear without makeup. Then the criticism was also sprinkled for Kylichi due to appearance: users noted that the face of 23-year-old Jenner is inflated and almost immobilized because of the fillers.

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