Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor Year


Matthew McConahi

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor Year 47610_1

Many of us still perfectly remember romantic comedies with charming Matthew McConaja and no less charming Kate Hudson starring, but since then Matthew has long managed to grow as an actor and prove it is a professional "mature" obtained by Oscar. And in 2017, McConaehi demonstrated another line of his acting talent, while playing the main negative role in the "Dark Tower" - and although the shielding of Stephen King did not scold only the lazy, we have no doubt that Matthew McConachi accurately decorated her The brightest, complex and memorable kinoshodeev 2017.

James McEvoy

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor Year 47610_2

Speaking about "new faces" of acting skills, we simply cannot not mention James McAwa, who this year in the Split demonstrated almost with dozens of different personalities - and then also very memorable, followed by the "explosive blonde" spy thriller. And if the "explosive blonde" largely "pulled" Charlize Teron playing the main role of Charlize, then it was McEvoy (or, technically, with a dozen macavaev at once) - and precisely thanks to him the film earned at 15 (!) Once more than your budget and got a sequel, which will be released in 2019.

One of the most sharp points "Split" with James:

Jude Law

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor Year 47610_3

If the "Dark Tower" mentioned above, the criticism was complained, then here "King Arthur's sword" with Jude Lowe and Charlie Hannem were literally spread in fluff and dust - which, however, does not make a movie some very bad, and the acting game Charlie Hannema is intolerable. A special mention here deserves all the same Jude Lowe - because who else could have been so serious and fully self-dedicated to the knees and scream a classic "nooooo" in slow motion mode?

Michael Fassbender

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor Year 47610_4

Since we started talking about the dedication of actors in, saying diplomatic, not gliding by intellectual scenarios, it is impossible not to remember Michael Fassbender - which this year played not one, but even at once two androids in "Alien: Testament". And again critics wrapped the picture (in 2017 they did this for some reason especially much), and again the film "pulled out" for himself almost a single actor (and, by the way, again, Briton). Michael Fassbender in the new "strangers" had to be engaged in many, we will be frank, stupid things - went to joke about the flute, kissing with yourself and so on. But all this he does so naturally, with such self-dedication that Android David believe much more than members of the ill-fated crew that one by one die.

Fassbandder against Fassbander in a passage from "Alien: Covenant":

Hugh Jackman

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor Year 47610_5

Probably, one of the main characters of the 2017 film screen - Hugh Jackman, who in "Logan" made the absolute majority of impressionable viewers. Not only that by itself "Logan", being the last film Hugh as Wolverine, turned out to be very high-quality, emotional and not at all similar to standard superhero blockbusters - so also Hugh Jackman in Logan issued a completely awesome in terms of emotions "Swan Song. For us, Jackman forever will remain the only real Wolverine, and at least a place in the top five of the best actors of 2017, he, in our opinion, deserves for sure.

Hugh Jackman in Berserka mode in "Logan":

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