Who will replace Daniel Craig in Bondian: 10 actors for the role of James Bond


Idris Elba

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Idris Elba has long become a favorite for the role of James Bond at Bondian fans with a unconventional look at the franchise. The star "Luther" and "Wipers" managed to gain experience in all genres, in which somehow "lit up" films about Bond - from spy thrillers before the militants. However, the producers of Bondiana are known for choosing a bond not the most famous actors, such before the filming in the franchise were Sean Connery and Daniel Craig. But Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan before trying the role of Bond, were already well-known televisions - can Idris Elba get to win the favor of producers?

Tom Hiddleston

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The probability that Tom Hiddleston will become the following James Bond is so high - at least according to the bookmakers - that the British bookmakers at all ceased to take bets to whom will get a role. Everyone who managed to see at least a trailer "High estates" know that Hiddleston looks great not only in the armor of Loki, but also in an elegant costume - "Armor" James Bond.

Tom Hardy

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Another true Briton who could successfully qualify for the role of James Bond - Tom Hardy, who filmed in the "Dark Knight", "Mad Max" and "survivors" already managed to prove that his acting role was very diverse. In order to drink Martini in a stylish tuxedo, the other hand breaking someone's faces, Tom Hardy seems to be created.

Mark Strong

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Mark Strong is another candidate for James Bond, who has all the necessary qualities: He is a Briton, he played and sophisticated, and brutal heroes, he looks wonderful in a suit. There is only one big but - the hair: in the history of Bondian bald bonds, there was still no (although Sean Connery, who had already started to lie when he began to act in Bondian, in all his films about agent 007 wore a wig).

Luke Evans.

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The 37-year-old Native of Wales for his many years of career has already managed to play many canonical heroes, from Zeus and Dracula to Aramis from the "Three Musketeers" and Gaston from "Beauty and Monsters". This list will fit perfectly with another canonical hero, James Bond. Luke Evans has already managed to prove that it looks great and in a suit, and driving a rushing on the rabid velocity of the car in the "Fast and Furious 6" - True, for the role of Bond, the actor will have to spread with his favorite mustes.

Michael Fassbender

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Michael Fassbendder is one of the few actors who manage to successfully balancing dramatic roles in independent films and multi-million dollars. Hollywood blockbusters. The franchise star "People of X", Fassbender, after entering the screens "Apocalypse", by rumors, was freed and quite ready to "fit out" in some other "long-playing" franchise - for example, Bondian.

Dominic Cooper

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Dominic Cooper to his 37 years managed to play as Howard Stark in the "First Avenue" and the Serial "Agent Carter", work with Meryl Streep and Pierce Russed in "Mamma Mia!" And to play in the screening "Varcraft", which will be released on the screens this summer - but while there was no uniform role in the actor's service list. Considering the aforementioned fact that the producers of Bondian are trying to choose the role of the Bond "unkind" actors, Dominic Cooper may well compete for the position of the agent 007.

Mattias Shonarts

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Another "unnecessised" Actor in our list of applicants for the role of James Bond, Belgian actor Mattias Schaonarts is most famous for the role in the film "Rust and Bone" with Marion Costyar and "Girl from Denmark". Although in the action and militants, Mattias still did not have time to express themselves, he possesses that elegance and the class who are inherent in James Bondu, and may well become a "dark horse" in the race for the role of the agent 007.

Leonardo Dicaprio

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We all well know that DiCaprio prefers to be filmed in interesting dramas with a non-standard plot - but now, when Leo finally got an "Oscar", perhaps, it's time to expand the role a little? Dicaprio for Bondian producers has one indisputable advantage that other candidates for the role - he alone can "pull out" any film and provide him with the cashier (even a dick "surviving" dicaprio and hype around "Oscar" turned into a blockbuster).

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