"Film Afisha" showed the film "22 miles" in 4 cities of Russia


"22 miles" is the fourth joint project of Actor Mark Wahlberg and directed by Peter Berg. In addition to Wahlberg, Great John Malkovic, Lauren Kohan, Iko Wais and Ronda Rauzy starred in the picture.

The film "22 Mile" talks about "ghosts" - an elite detachment of super secretary intelligence. Officially, they do not exist, but in fact they are real. The squad is taken for affairs only when nothing helps and performs missions with success. Superagertuent of the detachment (Mark Wahlberg), with the support of the CIA, a difficult mission to be supported: to secretly withdraw from Indonesia a policeman who has evidence of corruption in higher political circles. Up to the saving aircraft to overcome 22 deadly miles.

"Film Afisha" expresses gratitude to partners for help in organizing shows:

In St. Petersburg - thank the Petersburg Network of Meat Restaurants "Frank" for the provision of the Furshet, the Martial Arts Club "Almaz" for organizing a speech, as well as photographers Valentina Belikova and Mikhail Ivanov for bright pictures from the event and the Peak Cinema for the provision of a platform.

For help in organizing a show in the cinema "Cinema 5" in Orenburg, we thank the leading Olga Tomin, as well as Alexey Boyarkina and the photogency "Sayyes" for the photo report from the scene.

We also thank the photographer Svetlana Dougan for photos of our guests at a show in Ufa.

Photos from the shows:

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