In St. Petersburg, a closed press show of the film "Pazmansky Devil"


Display Partners: Brutal Desserts Brave Goodies and Red Bull. "Pazmansky Devil" is a real story from the life of American Boxer Winnie Patient.

As a sports star of the 80s Winnie, the PAC won one victory after another. But, in the 1992 he fell into a terrible accident. The broken neck then meant a broken career. But not for the "Pazmansky Devil". He begins to train to go back to the ring and prove, first of all, that nothing can stop. Frame from the film "Pazmansky Devil" Bayopic removed the director Ben Yanger, famous for the criminal drama "Boiler" and the comedy "My Best Lover", filmed in the early 2000-h. So that the "Pazhemsky Devil" for Jarger is a professional return to the world movie. In the role of the boxer starred Miles Teller, whom you saw in the "fantastic four" and "obsession". And Martin Scorsese spoke here as an executive producer.

Pressure details:

Date: January 26, Thursday

Home Registration: 13.00

Stolar start time: 13.30

Location: Lenfilm Cinema, Kamenneostrovsky Ave. d., 10, 3

Rental Rating: 18+

Duration: 1 hour 56 minutes

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