"Viking" and 2 more films that you should go to the movies



Early Middle Ages. Time of heavy swords and dark blood laws. The ruling genus in the separation. Wines for the accidental death of his brother lay on the Grand Duke. According to the law, it should be revenge, the younger brother is Bastard. For refusal to kill, he will pay everyone that he had, because "for the world, you need more swords than for war" ...

"Snow Queen 3: Fire and Loda"

The rare gift to get involved in all sorts of trouble - their family trait, and what to take from those who grew up among the snow in the company Trolli. But Moldov, Kai and Gerda go to a new level - now they will be the culprits of a global catastrophe.

"Three heroes and sea king"

Bogatiy family troubles. To dispel, they decide to quickly drive into China behind the dragon tooth, the symbol of wisdom and strength. At the same time, the prince of Kiev leaves for a walk along with her horse Julia behind the treasures of the sea king to replenish the treasury and "patch the budget." Yes, that's just the sea king decided to marry and drowned Kiev for this. And how to be now? What will help our heroes? Friendship, courage and, of course, love.

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