"Girl in the train" and 5 more films that you should go to the movies


"Girl in the train"

Every day, the train is pushing Rachel by a charming cottage, where he lives perfect at first view of the couple. But once idyll destroys - a wonderful stranger will disappear without a trace. Rachel will be drawn into a very tangled story, because only she saw from the window what was hidden from all.

"War against all"

Two corrupt grinding cops from New Mexico are pressed all who come across them at hand ... or under the wheels of the car. Fate promises them a chance to cut down a whole million dollars, but an eccentric English Lord is also claimed to the savary Kush, not without strange addictions. In the struggle for the honored passage, partners will randomly learn about the strict secrets of a handsome lord and are imputed to carry retribution. Bad kopam does not wait to try something completely new - the struggle for justice ... Well, for how they understand justice.


In a step from the champion title, the Hammer's career crosses a terrible accident. From now on, any fight can become the last for him. But when his love is under threat, he proves that he was called "hammer" not only for a crushing blow. The real fighter in the ring and in life, he continues to fight even in the center of the web of Lies and betrayal. Risching to everyone, he goes across in order to save himself and his beloved.

"Aldab: a journey to the mysterious island"

Join the full adventure of the 3D expedition to the shores of the mysterious island of Aldab, lost in the waters of the Indian Ocean. This atoll, which rarely steps a person's leg, is still home to the community of exotic animals. Screstest fingers, you will watch how young turtles crawl on deadly shames that abundant sharks. Flood in surprise, looking at the world's largest ground crabs, climbing on palm trees in search of juicy coconuts.

Hold the breath at the sight of a giant sea perch, fearlessly guarding the ancient wreckage of the ship against the will of the inquisitive scubaers. Learn about the habitat of giant prehistoric turtles. Explore the island, which rose above the sea only in order for it again the ocean flows and an inexorable increase in the ocean level. Get acquainted with our heroes - Wise Turtle Elvi and Mom Tori, Coconut Cancer Baster, Water Bird Snooper and many others! This story is full of excitement, emotions and unexpected turns. Discover Aldab Island before it is lost forever!

"Big Dog Escape"

The life of the careless beagle of Ozzy turns away from the paw on the head when, going on vacation, the Martinov family gives it to the elite spa hotel for dogs. But the owners could not and imagine that this is just a trap, and their favorite will be in a real dog prison. To break through the super-system of protection and furious guard dogs, Ozzy, together with the same misfortunes, as he should plan the most cunning and bold escape in history.


New York, 1887 Young Maria-Louise dreams of conquering America - become a great actress. During the performance on stage, she was confused in her dress, but miraculously avoids falling, continuing to spin in elegant fabric. The shocked viewers become witnesses of the historical moment - the modern one originated. Maria-Louise has become Fuller's lions - an electrical fairy, an icon, a flaming symbol of generation. New Muse brothers Lumiere and Toulouse-Lotrek now also star famous in Paris Cabaret, and her butterfly dance will be shown in the Grand Opera. But fame is not all. Random meeting of Fuller Fuller with Young Isador Duncan This threatens her difficult love with the patron and the very essence of the new directions of art invented.

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