"House of Strange Children Miss Serin" and 6 more films that should be moving into a movie


For family viewing, a new cartoon "Princess-Frog" is suitable, who wants to laugh - do not miss "property with a tail" and "Keep a blow, baby!". Well, the fans of the ex-bond pier pier are recommended to go to the pulse thriller.

All the details, as always, in the fresh review from the movie theater.

"House of Strange Children Miss Serin"

When the favorite Grandfather leaves Jake's key to the secret, covering various times and spaces, he finds a magical place known as a house for unusual children. Danger and mystery is only increasing when Jake meets the inhabitants of this house, their special abilities and ... their frightening enemies. Soon, Jake discovers that only his own peculiarity can save new friends.


Arthur is a master of his case. Working only with large debtors, he finds all their maritous and effectively uses against them. It never resorts to banal methods, his horse is a psychological attack. Arthur knows how to masterfully reincarnate, confuse, withdraw from equilibrium, and so sucking its customers, that they are willing to return everything, just never to hear his voice. But once Arthur himself becomes a target: a scandalous video with his participation appears on the network, and friends and colleagues are instantly turned away from it. Under threat it turns out not only his reputation, but also life ... Now the collector has only one night to find the one who drove it into the corner.

"Witch from Blair: New Chapter"

20 years ago, Sister James and two of her friends disappeared in the Black Hills forest, trying to reveal the mystery of the so-called witch from Blair. Their mysterious disappearance overgrown with many theories and legends. James with friends are armed with video cameras and go to the same forest.


Absolutely everyone is looking for new sensations. And what if on Earth there is a place where you can experience any shade of pleasure? A group of friends flew to the island and decides to try a substance that will deprive their ability to control their impulses. Now they can do everything that they dreamed so long. But how far are they ready to go in search of the highest pleasure?

"Property with tail"

Olive is a successful doctor, Clay - a loser hockey player. They fell in love, got married and started Golden Retriever. But she dreamed of a normal family, and he is about a sports career ... And when it moves to the divorce, the former beloved begins a serious struggle for a precious pet.

"Keep a blow, baby!"

Nobody's twins and tanya can not be distinguished by no one, but on this similarity ends. Light is femininity and bitching. She wants to build a career on television. Tanya is preparing to get to the Russian national team. Tyson in the skirt. Her life is training and sports mode.

Tanya is injured. Tanya persists the sister to swap in places to go for her a medical examination and go to workout. Light is ready for this with the condition that Tanya will take place for her practice on the TV channel. The light will have to change its character to bring sister to battle. Thane - think brain, not fists to become light.


In the kingdom of frogs, the Olympic Games, which Country has not yet understood! This time the king promised to give his beautiful daughter for their winner. But while participants came out from different ends of the country, the princess escaped from the palace. Changed into men's clothing, she goes to live among the simple Luda, where he meets his new friends: Rayne's street merchant and his buddy kid Ken. Once, when fleeing an angry buyer, Raine, and with him and disguise the princess, involuntarily become participants in the upcoming competition. In the meantime, they are preparing for the tournament, Kid Ken detects a secret conspiracy among the participants who threatens a great misfortune to all of the kingdom!

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