"Duelist" and another 3 films that you should go to the movies



1860th year. After five years of life, the wild aleuts retired Officer Yakovlev returns to St. Petersburg. Past his mysteriously. Very quickly, he becomes known as a cold-blooded duelist, taking human life. He is invulnerable, as if he made a deal with the Devil. They drive a passionate desire to avenge the guilty of his misfortunes and return the lost honor.


The former Clerk of the Bank, together with his mistress, turns the bold robbery of the collector car and takes 17 million bucks. But in the inexperience, criminals debutants leave so many traces and evidence on the crime scene, which is unlikely to be able to enjoy mining.

"Deep-water horizon"

Going to another watch and say goodbye to families, they did not suspect that they could not return ... This is based on the real events of the terrible accident on the oil platform "Deep-water horizon", which occurred in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. Chronicle of unparalleled courage and courage in the face of one of the most terrible man-made catastrophes in world history.

"Love and Penguins"

The modest worker of the Laboratory of Christophes many years is hopelessly in love with the outstanding selfish professor of Quiner, standing on the threshold of the opening of absolute immunity. But when his whole work is under threat, Christophi appears a chance to show themselves and it decides to experience the experimental drug for himself. Will it help her get close to Kuinger? And will it suddenly turn into a penguin?

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