Rumor: "Aquamen 2" will be gloomy and more serious than the first film


For decades, Aquamen was a matter of jokes, because many fans of DC comic books believed that he was almost the weakest and useless superhero. But everything has changed, when in 2018, Archur Carry Blokbaster was released on the screens, the main role in which Jason Momoa was played. The idea itself to endure someone with the ability to communicate with fish and the truth may seem funny, but the director James Wanu managed to use it in his own interests and create a truly exciting film.

Momae gave his hero an incredible charisma, and the main villain of the underwater world performed by Patrick Wilson turned out so disgusting that it was not a second to doubt whom the fans will be supported in the struggle for power. The admiration of the audience was reflected in the fees - "Aquamen" became the most cash adaptation of the comic DC from ever created, and now everyone is looking forward to Sikvel. True, he seems to be no longer like this entertainment spectacle.

On the eve of Insider Daniel Richtman stated that the second part of the franchise is positioned as more gloomy and mature. It seems that this is a standard technique in movies since the time of the "Star Wars", but in the case of the "Aquamen" the idea can work not so good. Serious moments were in the first film, but do not forget that you could also meet the octopus playing on the drums. The film was a sip of fresh air for a film dealer DC precisely because the director deliberately refused a dark aesthetics, and if now everything changes, the results may be disappointing.

It remains to hope that the creators of "Aquamena 2" will still not lead a picture of the dark side and will leave at least a drop of frights. Recall, the premiere of the tape is scheduled for December 15, 2022.

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