Naked torso Jason Momoa used in the fight against coronavirus


While Coronavirus walks through the planet, and more and more infected every day, it is very important not to lose the presence of the spirit and keep a healthy sense of humor. Obviously, this thought was guided by the fans of Jason Momoa, who invented a meme who helps to fight infection.

From everywhere heard that one of the most efficient ways to prevent the spread of the virus is a regular and thorough hand washing. And just for those who insufficiently motivate care of their health, an image with a semi-fitted Jason Momoa, acknowledged ironic signature, appeared, seemed by the ironic signature "My His hands is so wise Jason Momoa."

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And what, it sounds quite logical, especially if your imagination works well. Ladies the joke was appreciated, but the men are not worth the men - they can mentally replace Momoa on, for example, a wonderful woman performed by Gadot Gal.

By the way, turn the aquamena in the hero of the meme about the washing of hands is appropriate not only because this hero is directly connected with water and certainly my hands are more often the rest. Jason is also known as an active ecoculator, so it certainly should not object to the fact that his image helps to fight coronavirus.

And considering his love for shooting in strange advertising, it will be not surprising if the campaign will appear soon with the actor's participation, after which the spread of the epidemic will definitely decrease at times. After all, Moma can be convincing.

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