From Aquamena to Monster: Jason Momoa will play in the game remorse Anime "Little Nemo"


Before becoming Aquamen again, Jason Momoa fulfills another role. In the film "Little Nemo in the country of dreams", based on the cycle of the popular eyelid, comics and anime film, shot in 1989, he will play a creature named Flip.

Tall nine pounds (275 centimeters), half a person, and half a beast, with long curved fangs and covered with a cosmatic fur,

- Sends ComicBook.

From Aquamena to Monster: Jason Momoa will play in the game remorse Anime

The post of director of the film Netflix provided Francis Lawrence (Konstantin, "Hungry Games"). The script will create David Gion and Michael Handelman, who in collaboration already worked on scenarios for "dinner with assholes" and "Nights in the Museum 3". It is assumed that in the work on the film, including work on the flip, computer technologies will be actively applied.

Unlike comic and anime, where we are talking about the boy Nemo, in the film of the heroine there will be a girl's girl who will go to the world of dreams to look for his missing father. The flip performed by MDOA will accompany her in this journey.

From Aquamena to Monster: Jason Momoa will play in the game remorse Anime

Shooting "Little Nemo in the Dreams" is scheduled for the summer of this year.

Currently, Francis Lawrence removes the series "See" in which Jason Momoa plays a major role.

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