Charlie Tires in Tony Stark, Cameron Diaz on the Iron Human poster 1995


Marvel fans are the best when it comes to fantasies about what could happen in a filmmaker at one or another. Sometimes their imagination goes even further, and then the images of loved characters are trying on those who closely approached superhero film. This time, the user Reddit with JasonAndwho nickname published a poster poster for the Iron Man's version of 1995 with Charlie Tire in the lead role.

In the early 90s, the tires were very popular, but, like Robert Downey Jr., who eventually played Tony Stark, the actor was involved in the scandal with the use of psychotropic substances. But it was no longer possible to restore the reputation. On the fan poster, the tires appeared in the image of an iron man, and the company made up Cameron Diaz as Pepper Pots and Comedy actor Sean Wayans as Roui.

Charlie Tires in Tony Stark, Cameron Diaz on the Iron Human poster 1995 47953_1

The poster's authors perfectly worked on stylization - even an iron man costume corresponds to the mid-90s and it looks not so elegant as the original version presented in the film marvel. And so that everything was more believable, the fans have added a semi-fan, which would appear on the present poster if they store it collapsed.

Of course, it is unlikely that the "iron man" would be so successful, it should come out for 13 years earlier, but to look at the alternative version of the characters is still great.

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