Drama and broken hearts: Spectators chose the best season of "friends"


The series "Friends" became a real classic of Sitkomov, and even after many years after the completion of the history of interest in the life of six friends from New York less does not become less. Recently, The Rotten Tomatoes website spent a survey among his audience to find out which of the seasons of the show spectators consider the best.

Drama and broken hearts: Spectators chose the best season of

As a result, the winner was recognized for the third season, full of dramatic events. It was then that he made itself felt the difference between the age between Monica (Courtney Cox) and Richard (Tom Sellek). The heroine could no longer hide his desire to have children, but her boyfriend was not delighted with such a prospect, although he was ready to meet her. But this, of course, was not at all how Monica imagined it.

Another drama touched Ross relations (David Schvimmer) and Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), who after a series of failures still decided to part. Their gap was not easy, and as a result, the rest of friends felt like between two lights, until the heroes finally found a way to behave civilized to not destroy the company.

The remaining seasons were distributed by rating so:

2nd place - Season 5, in which Ross unsuccessfully marries Emily (Helen Boxendal).

3rd place - Season 2, in which Ross and Rachel declassify their relationship, and Monica represents Richard's friends.

4th place - Season 4, in which Monica and Chandler (Matthew Perry) surrendered for the first time, and Ross made an offer to Emily.

5th place - Season 6, in which Rachel is trying to divorce Ross, after they got married, being drunk.

6th place - Season 10, final, which cleared the plans of the heroes to the future life.

7 place - Season 7, in which Chandler and Monica got married.

8th place - Season 8, in which it turns out that Rachel is pregnant from Ross, Joe (Matt Leblan) understands that it falls in love with Rachel.

9th place - Season 1, in which the audience got acquainted with all the characters.

10th place - Season 9, in which Rachel begins to reciprocate on the feelings of Joe, and Phoebe (Lisa Kudrou) meets the future husband of Mike (Paul Radd).

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