Reunion "Friends" will have to wait until the end of the summer


The WarnerMedia Entertainment reported that the recording of a special episode for HBO MAX will be postponed because of the coronavir pandemic. Representative of the company Bob Greenblatt said:

Initially, we thought that the show would be postponed for a month, a maximum of two. Now it seems that it will take longer. We strive to finish working on a special episode by the end of summer. But you have to wait for the stars, when it is possible to start production. We really believe that it is important to have a big and rapidly reacting live audience that will respond to a meeting of six friends. We do not want to do all this using webcams and people who come to contact from their kitchens or bedrooms.

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Of course, if the current conditions continue infinitely, we can agree to the virtual option. But at the moment we hope to do this with a more familiar way. We really wanted to show this series on the first day of HBO Max, but even if we can show it in the fall, then I hope we will satisfy the desire of the audience.

It was previously planned that a special episode involving Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Koks, Lisa Kudrou, Matt Leblana, Matthew Perry and David Schwimer will be made to May. The show was to be timed to the start of the HBO Max Stream Mining Service.

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