Liv Tyler returned to England to her husband after rumors about divorce


In 2017, Liv Tyler decided to start a new life with his beloved Dave Gardner and moved to him to England from the USA. Since then, the actress rarely returned to his native New York and spent a lot of time with his family. But this year Liv, together with two children, went to Los Angeles for two months. The star missed the birthday of Dave, but recorded a video for him, in which it appeared without a wedding ring. It provoked rumors that in the relations of the stars is not so smooth.

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But then a friend of the couple denied these rumors and explained why Tyler was not at home for two months:

Liv went to look at the child of his sister. But, since she and Dave are not married, he was not allowed into the country due to coronavirus.

And recently, the Instagram Dave appeared photographs with Lulle and Sailor - him with Liv Childhood, who went with her mother in Los Angeles. As it turned out, the actress returned home last week and now captures the week of separation with her beloved.

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Tyler and Gardner raise four children: 4-year-old Lulu Rose, 5-year-old Seilyore Gina, as well as two children from their previous partners. Liv has a 15-year-old son of Milo from marriage with a musician Roiston Langdon, and Dave raises 12-year-old warming from the first wife.

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