When the angle changes everything: Dua Lipa showed a figure in a bikini on the beach in Miami


While readers are looking forward to the end of winter, celebrities are sent to rest in hot places, from where no less hot shots are published. One of them was the singer Dua Lipa, which posted a couple of days ago a series of photos in bikini in the Instagram account.


- Signed a star one of the personnel. Fans and friends of Dua Lipa quickly responded to a new post, without staging on the compliments of the exact figure of the singer.

When the angle changes everything: Dua Lipa showed a figure in a bikini on the beach in Miami 48043_1

And while Dua Lipa took the sun bath, the paparazzi worked to catch the star into the lenses of their cameras. Unfortunately or fortunately, photographers do not choose successful angles, so that they see that the singer's figure although tightened, but not so perfect, what she is trying to present it in social networks. Some users also did not like that the star did not even try to hide cigarettes, although he noticed the paparazzi.

Note, a couple of years ago, Dua Lipa discussed in an interview with Harper's Bazaar Beauty Standards and the Company's pressure, which young girls are experiencing on themselves. According to the singer, the media impose unreal standards that negatively affect the self-assessment of women, and judged that social networks should help take their appearance as it is.

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