"We already worry about us?": The network discusses the ugly neckline of the evacuated adel.


At the last Halloween Adele collected tons of compliments, showing photographs from the Drake party, where she looked noticeably lost and smashing. The singer, once known to the magnificent forms, took up for himself and decided to lose weight by the New Year. And it seems that she managed to fully - so much that now adel fans are worried about her health.

The network has fresh photos of Adel, which holds New Year's holidays in the Caribbean Islands, in Anguilla. The singer enjoys the sea and the sun in the company Harry Stiles and James Cordon.

In the photos, Adel is captured in a light dress with a deep neckline. It is reported that in this outfit singer rested on the beach and straight in the dress bathed in the sea. But the main thing that attracted the attention of users, is the appearance of the adel and its neckline zone, which now looks not at all as before.

"Previously, she looked happier", "My God, I will not recognize Adele at all," "Is this Adele?! Swim her, please! "," She looks skinny and not very healthy ... We already worry about it? "," It began to look older than your age, "comments the photos of 31-year-old Adel users.

At the end of the summer of last year, the singer began to train seriously and sat on the diet. Joe Wick's Star Instructor developed a training system for Adel with Pilates elements.

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