Theory: Captain America may appear in the "black widow"


The history of Captain America received a touching and quite logical completion in the film "Avengers: Final", and, it would seem, on this cooperation, Chris Evans and Marvel came to an end. But recently, the theory is gaining popularity in the network, according to which Steve Rogers can get a small chameo in the "black widow".

Theory: Captain America may appear in the

Natasha Romanooff (Scarlett Johansson) and CEP were definitely in very close relationships, and even though the loyalty of NAT was in question during the events of the film "The first avenger: confrontation", in the end she took the side of Rogers. Judging by the promotional videos of the "Black Widow", the film seems to focus only on the old family of Natasha, but refunds to her new family, the avengers, of course, would only make the ribbon.

Theory: Captain America may appear in the

Perhaps it would reduce the gap between the "First Avenger: confrontation" and "Avengers: War of Infinity," showing how and when NAT will decide to join the captain America. It is logical to assume that it would take a scene with the sample voice of the CEP or even a full chamber.

Theory: Captain America may appear in the

Evans would hardly abandoned a small return to the kinovylene, but Marvel probably would carefully come to the new appearance of the hero after everyone said goodbye to him. Whether the theory of truth will be, it will be possible to find out in a couple of months. The premiere of "black widow" is scheduled for November 5.

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