Scarlett Johansson told how Hollywood makes actresses lose weight


It is not surprising that actress women have to follow their weight and physical form, especially if they have to play superhero. But Scarlett Johansson believes that Hollywood has too strong pressure on women and makes them be thin.

The actors were always forced to be thin. In one of my favorite films "Everything about Eve" [1950] there is a scene in which Bett Davis walks around the room all upset and wants to eat a piece of chocolate. She takes him, then puts back. Then he takes and puts it again. In the end, she still eats him, but before that she hesitated so long and suffered. So even then it was pressure. And now everything has become much worse,

- Says Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson told how Hollywood makes actresses lose weight 48651_1

Scarlett Johansson told how Hollywood makes actresses lose weight 48651_2

Recently, Scarlett has to train a lot and take care of the figure for the role of black widow in the Marvel film. But now the actress thinks more about how to maintain the form as a healthy way and not to earn a disorder of food behavior.

I try to maintain a certain weight in which I am completely slim, but at the same time healthy. But there is a natural way to maintain this weight, and there is an unhealthy. I have a paranoia about my own health, I do not want to earn a disorder of food behavior, so I will better maintain the form of healthy ways,

- Shared actress.

Colleague Scarlett on the "black widow" Florence Pugh also noted that for the film she has to be hard to prepare the body and work a lot. Before taking for work, Florence wanted to make sure that the film creators would not be in favor of her diet.

When I got a role, it was important for me whether they would require something in terms of physical form and follow my regime and diet. That's important for me. I do not like if I constantly control me,

- Shared actress.

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