It became known who will be the first to see "black widow"


According to the SCREENRANT portal, the first spectators of the superhero blockbuster "Black Widow" from Marvel Studios, as well as some other disney films will be NBA players and their families. This action is dedicated to the fact that the NBA leadership recently decided to prefer the disclosed season 2019/2020 in the Disneuorld complex in Orlando, Florida. As you know, because of the coronavirus pandemic, not only movie filming, but also sporting events, including the NBA Championship, were suspended.

It became known who will be the first to see

During the forced downtime, Disney missed huge profits not only because of the failure in film production, but also because of the closure of its thematic parks and cruises. In an effort to at least partly fill the losses, Disney reached an agreement with the NBA on the completion of the current basketball season in the walls of the world sports complex ESPN, which is part of the World Walt Disney Recreation Center (also known as Disneyuorld). Under the terms of this transaction, the basketball players will not only play the remainder of the season, but also live in the territory of Disneyuord. According to Journalist Keith Smith, athletes and their families will receive exclusive access to Disney film products at this time:

According to the sources from Disneyuorld, Disney will open the players and their families access to their films (as soon as they arrive in place). Most likely, this program will include films that are still not available to the general public, including the Black Widow Marvel.

Probably, along with the "black widow", basketball players will be able to watch Mulatto and Cruise on the Jungle. However, so far this information has not received official confirmation. Recall that the release of "black widow" in wide rental was moved to 5 November 2020.

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