Tom Hollands and Robert Downey Jr. sent "Back to the Future"


The new anti-neural legend was soaked by Tom Holland Tom and Robert Downey Jr.. February 14 on the Youtube channel Ezryderx47, known to film edges, in which the faces of the usual characters are replaced by images of others, sometimes absolutely wildly looking in this role actors, came out an excerpt of the film "Back to the Future". At the same time, the stars of the Avengers were taken by Michael Jay Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

Tom Hollands and Robert Downey Jr. sent

The roller turned out to be incredibly plausible. Holland looks so organically as Marty McFeew that an unprepared viewer could hardly be able to suspect the fake. Yes, and the fans of the original franchise were very impressed and even recognized that Tom and Robert would wonderfully looked at the main roles of the famous fantastic history.

Tom Hollands and Robert Downey Jr. sent

"I would not want to" back to the future "renovated again, but Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. would be an excellent choice for Marty and Doca," one of the fans said in the comments. And it turned out not alone in his opinion, his words quickly collected more than a thousand approval.

By the way, see what happened to the heroes on, the audience is unlikely to be able to: Lloyd, who played the real dock of Brown, not so long ago, he stated that the fourth part of the franchise would not come to the screens in the near future, even though he had a standing idea for her.

Well, if still a continuation someday will appear, directors should definitely be closed to the actors of the Avengers. Moreover, there is already a certain connection between the franchises, because in the "final" heroes also made a trip in time, using the "rules" of this genre, which established "back to the future" back in 1985.

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