"First Avenger: Civil War": First Facts about the film


One of the central plot lines in the film "First Avenger: Civil War" will be the opposition of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. Two Alpha-Samtsa will not argue for leadership in the Avengers group - at all: the government wants to control unmanaged Avengers, and Tony Stark (amazing!) I agree with this, but Captain America does not want to obey the authorities again.

"The first avenger: Civil War" - this is "Avengers 2.5": Of course, the character of Chris Evans will continue to be the main character, but Robertu Downey Junior (or rather his iron man) will get a lot of important scenes. Well, it should be added to this couple from a dozen heroes, which somehow lit up in the first and second Avengers.

Who will be filmed in the "First Avenge: Civil War"

Confirmed (official!) Cast "First Avenger: Civic War" is so big that even "Avengers: Era Altron" in comparison with him is blocked. Here are all those whom we will see in the next MARVEL movie:

Chris Evans - Steve Rogers / Captain America

Robert Downey Jr - Tony Stark / Iron Man

Scarlett Johansson - Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

Sebastian Stan. - Baks Barnes / Winter Soldiers

Anthony Macs - Sam Wilson / Falcon

Paul Bettany - VIZHN

Jeremy Renner - Clint Barton / Falcon

Don Chidel - Jim Roads / Warrior

Elizabeth Olsen - Wanda Maximoff / Alay Witch

Paul Rudd - Scott Lang / Ant

Chadwick Bowzman - Black Panther

Emily Vanecmp - Sharon Carter / Agent 13

Total - a record number, 12 super (and not very super) heroes. And another Daniel Bruhl, Frank Grillo - in the role of major antagonists, and Martin Freman - by rumors, as a government agent who will put sticks in the wheel of the Avengers team. TOTAL - 15 (!) The main characters at once!

Neither Hulk, nor Torah nor mercury in the "Civil War" will be - to great regret!

Another about the plot of the "First Avenger: Civil War" can be said for sure: all the characters will have to choose some one side. It remains only to guess who will go for captain America, and who will support Tony Stark. ... And they all will fight with each other!

In the blockbusters Marvel conflicts of super heroes, in principle, and so enough - an iron man against the Torah, an iron man against the Hulk and so on. But "First Avenger: Civil War" will raise rates to heaven: the central conflict of the plot is the confrontation between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, and each of them will support their own small army of super heroes. Who scenarios will decide to push the foreheads - it is still unclear, and lovers of the Marvel Universe remains only to guess who wins the confrontation of the witch's scarlet and Black Panther, whether the Warrior will defeat Vizhn, who will come out the winner of the fighting of two "feathery" - falcon and falconry.

Captain America may die

In the comic "First Avenger: Civil War" Captain America eventually dies - with the filing of Crossobones. In the film, which will be released in 2016, Crossobounds also appears - so there is a chance that Marvel will decide to copy from the original comic to at least one storyteament.

Fragment from the original comic

Of course, nothing is clear - and Steve Rogers in the film may well survive a direct hit from the machine / machine gun. Although Marvel, as we saw in the second Avengers, not at all against the murder of the main characters - Pietro Maximoff, he mercury, dies in the final and, as the Marvel head already said, hopefully for his resurrection in the following films is not worth it.

Well, as a consolation for those who are already ready to believe that Marvel will decide to get rid of this very "first avenger" - Steve Rogers will have another important task, the battle with Tanos in the "Avengers: the Infinity War" . So Captain America, probably, still prematurely post on peace.

Recall that the premiere of "First Avenger: Civil War" in Russia will be held on May 6, 2016.

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