Insider told that Eminemi is experiencing because of Memoirs Mariah Carey


Eminem, whose real name Marshall Materia is afraid that Carey will tell about him unpleasant things. This information with US Weekly shared an insider:

Mariah Carey has always been his Achilles fifth. They had a very toxic relationship. He knows that she is going to tell him very unpleasant things about him. He is already awaiting an attack.

In particular, Eminem expects Carey in his book intimate details with rapper.

He is experiencing that she will say that he was bad in bed or that was a selfish lover. Because he was always not sure about this plan. And she knows about it

- noted the source.

Insider told that Eminemi is experiencing because of Memoirs Mariah Carey 49017_1

Rapper and singer for a long time hid their novel. But in the end, Eminem admitted that he met Mariah a little more than six months. Carey continued to deny the connection with him, and Rapper was strongly insulted. After parting the stars began "to prick" each other through their songs. Eminem called Carey and her spouse with obscene words in the Bagpipes from Baghdad track, and Mariya used an image of Eminem in the clip on the song Obsessed.

In one of the interviews, Eminem noted that he respects Mariah as a singer and considers it a "beautiful woman", but "no more."

We are too different, I was not the one who needs her. She is a real star, and I seem to me, a simpler person. I have no doubt her talent, but the fact that she denied our novel - in my opinion, it is bad,

Said Eminem.

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