Kozlovsky spoke about the shortcomings of Russian people: "intolerance"


A recently famous actor Danil Kozlovsky became the main hero of the new release of Youtube Show "And to talk." Communicating with a journalist Irina Shikhman, the artist raised a variety of topics and told, in particular, the disadvantage of most Russian people differ.

"Probably intolerance. Conservatism, which is actually already turning into caskoruzness. We are poorly accepting new. We begin to conflict in every way and see the enemy in this. It prevents being progressive, "Kozlovsky concluded.

In addition, he stressed that, in his opinion, it is quite possible to follow tradition, but at the same time maintain and show tolerance and understanding in relation to other "manifestations of life."

According to Danil, it is important not to be afraid to make aware that it is not so that it is subsequently corrected.

Note that, as part of this interview, Danil first commented on his gap with an ex-beloved - actress and director Olga Zueva. So, the actor confirmed that he broke up with his chief, but did not voiced the reason for this decision.

Recall that in a relationship with Zoi Kozlovsky for the first time became the Father. Last year, his daughter's daughter was born in America. After parting the parents, the girl stayed with his mother in New York.

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